ACS Gold

ACS Gold

Golden Tripod Winner Christian Fitzpatrick ACS for King Island Distillery 'The untold story'


Australian Cinematographers Society - ACS


The ACS National Awards for Cinematography were held on Saturday, 6 May 2023 in Sydney’s iconic Luna Park.




Christian Fitzpatrick ACS golden tripod winner, created such an amazing documentary that will never grow old. This Creative Director who worked with Heidi Weitjens to film the untold story about her King Island Distillery, deserves all the ACS awards accolades and more, congratulations, Mr Christian Fitzpatrick, Mac and Bern Creative.

Cheers and thank you ♡ hh♡ | happy heidi the heart of King Island Distillery spirits made with ♡
  Heidi Weitjens

Owner | Distiller | Chief Bottle Washer


The National Awards celebrated the best cinematography from across the country and was hosted by our Master of Ceremonies Ray Martin ᴀᴍ.

acs-national-award-winners-2023-list Sponsored by FUJINON FUJIFILM



Shane Thomas decanting a 'Distiller choice whisky barrel', captured on film by Christian Fitzpatrick in the King Island Distillery


Christian Fitzpatrick filming distilling Native gin at King Island Distillery


Christian Fitzpatrick at British Admiral beach admiring beach botanicals in the King Island Distillery Native Gin

HAPPY HEIDI THE FOUNDER OF KING ISLAND DISTILLERY is driven to learn more each day about crafting exceptional spirits with a commitment to sustainability. 

Heidi Weitjens distillery GINdependently operated with her local loving attitude, is located at 40°S Latitude; it is one of the few worldwide to be fully owned and operated by a female creating GINcredible products and experiences. 

Using copper stills custom made in Hobart and locally handpicked beachside botanicals, Heidi meticulously distills the first King Island Gin and signature spirit called Native Gin. 

The support from customers and industry peers has been a constant source of GINspiration for Heidi and her King Island Distillery's commitment to excellence. 

Visit the distillery, meet the maker Heidi Weitjens the sole director of King Island Distillery Pty Ltd since 2014 and taste the pure artisan spirits of King Island all crafted with love, attitude, and local ingredients. 

Every process is done by hand to ensure the highest quality and to keep the purity, passion and personal touch in all of Happy Heidi products. 

Cheers to good health, happiness and the evolving GINstastic journey of King Island Distillery as shown on Fox Sports TV.  Thank you !!!!



1 comment

  • Susan Brook

    Absolutely Gobmacked (but hey i shouldn’t be) so happy for you, still going from strength to strength

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