Customer Review from Steve

So lovely to receive reviews and to know that our customers of King Island Distillery are planting our regenerated beach Natives.  
The native beach succulent known as pink pig face is an ingredient distilled in the handcrafted spirit, King Island Native Gin.
We grow this pig face in an abalone shell picked up from the beach, it is a part our sustainability project we have in place for our Community.
Visitors of King Island Distillery can then plant them on our coast to help prevent erosion.
We give an update with a photo in 6 months time, showing the positive contribution they have made to our environment by planting a native on King Island, Tasmania.
Date: Mon, 10 Oct 2022 at 23:28
Subject: Visit yesterday
To: <
   Hi Heidi,
Thanks again for the experience today at KI Distillery. Your explanations were really good, easy to understand and very interesting
   I think you've done an amazing job establishing the distillery and producing such nice product.
   I thought I would let you know I planted the succulent at British admiral beach. I planted it about shoulder height in the dune facing the ocean. That seemed to be where it was most proficient, so I thought it would do best there. I've attached a photo.
   Anyway, I wish you the best of luck with your distillery and look forward to receiving my brandy and (Tiger) Tonic as well as the decanter.
   Kind Regards,

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