King Island Gin Collaboration

King Island Gin, Cured Salmon, Cheddar Cheese

Tummy growling soon turned to happy, by being spoilt with this King Island collaboration of gin, gin cured salmon and cheese.

A wonderful Wednesday for hh♡!  Feeling very grateful for all this King Island greatness and gifts.  A welcome surprise and taste sensation.

King Island Distillery hh♡ Native Gin - cured salmon, made and gifted by Ian.

Stokes Point Cheddar Cheese - slices, from Claire King Island Dairy.N

Native King Island Saltbush leaves - garnish, grown by Heidi. Proudly, I love local, our premium products and passionate people. In so many ways King Island has, and, highlights quality with all that we produce. Tasmania, I also feel, has a close connection of a kind and caring community, abound with like minded people.

We are all resonating, sharing the positive spirit of what we produce and it radiates throughout our Country. Tasmanian whisky week, starting 8th August, is going to again be a prime showcase of us working hard to deliver the best spirits we can distill. Look up online how to attend the many events around the State, during Tasmanian whisky week. Be quick, tickets sell fast. Experience the stories of happy spiritedness and dedication of people and reward yourself tasting their products. On many occasions handcrafted spirits are paired with local Tasmanian produce. All made with love to be shared and enjoyed, together. Everyday buy local to share the love and support, we all deserve and delight in it.

Cheers my fabulous friends ♡ hh♡

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