Liberal party pledges cash for King Island

Liberal party pledges over $2 million towards King Island for tourism and infrastructure
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Thumbs up from us, looking forward to seeing more happy Hobartians:
" A Liberal Party Fly-in visit to King Island revealed a funding commitment of a further one million dollars towards extending the underwriting of Sharp Airlines direct 45 minute flight route between Hobart and Currie.
The continuation of this stimulus package will give King Island greater certainty by enhancing opportunity to conveniently, comfortably and quickly travel to this premium destination, said Liberal leader Peter Gutwein.
Hobart flights carried more than 1200 people to King Island since they began last year, stated Mr Gutwein.
Mr Gutwein also announced a $345,000 golf tourism marketing campaign, which will include King Island's three stunning world class public links golf courses.
Funding has also been allocated for Bio Security resources to uphold King Island’s clean, green, pristine and zero cases of Covid-19 status. ”
Source: The Advocate 12.4.21
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