Labelling hh♡ King Island Distillery Tasmania Australia

Labelling hh♡ King Island Distillery Tasmania Australia

Labelling hh King Island Distillery Tasmania Australia

hh is all about happy heidi and  is a vital part of life and living it. 

For many years people have seen hh♡ on my photos showcasing my Island home, all based around Heidi loving living a happy life on King Island and showcasing events and highlights on a regular basis.

The Copper background on the label resembles the colour of the Copper Angel Pot Stills, that are the heart and sole of first ever King Island Distillery.

A little insight happens before all the Spirits labelled hh King Island Distillery reaches you. 

Every batch is tried and tested before hands on bottling, making sure the lid is on hand tight, all the details about each batch is hand written on every label, sticking them on every bottle by hand, putting on the tamper proof seal and two hands giving them a polish.   

All pretty handy huh? ;-)

Cheers hh

Heidi Weitjens King Island Distillery

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