King Island Distillery News

Eftpos payment available at King Island Distillery

Eftpos payment available to purchase our range of spirits at Heidi Weitjens King Island Distillery Tasmania.

The range of hh♡ handcrafted spirits made on King Island in Heidi Weitjens King Island Distillery.....
Native gin
Barrel aged gin
Ruby grapefruit vodka
Whisky oak rested vodka
VS brandy
Bella chella limoncello 
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Sharp as Sharp

Heidi Weitjens is so grateful her King Island Distillery has a fabulous feature in this quarterly edition of the Sharp Airlines Magazine. Here is a shout out of gratitude to Sharp for their sensational support for locals and their businesses, airline services, the entire team and publications. See Sharp Traveller Mag.

Fly with Sharp Airlines Travel King Island to Hobart Tasmania direct in 47 Minutes Photo Heidi Weitjens King Island Distillery.jpg

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