King Island Distillery News

Bella Chella naturally works to compliment Soda and Ice cream day. Held Nationally on the 20th June in the USA, so hence my GINspiration for a delightful dessert  hh♡ Bella soda recipe  30ml King Island Distillery Bella Chella Limoncello 30ml...
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World Martini Day is celebrated on the third Saturday of June.

It’s a Gintastic day to celebrate a GINcredible drink. 

This King Island Martini recipe is King Island Distillery Native Gin, or Ruby Grapefruit Spirit (Vodka), with a dash of Vermouth to make it a smooth cocktail.


Make your Martini Cocktail by;

30ml Ruby Grapefruit Spirit, or Native Gin + 10ml dry, or, sweet Vermouth

Stir for 30 seconds + Garnish with a lemon twist, or add one, or three olives.

Easy :-)

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   Handpicking Native botanicals means hh♡ | happy heidi loves learning, GINdependantly, by study, smell and taste to recognise local resources suited to handcrafting the GINcredible spirits of King Island Distillery.

   Sustainability and our natural surrounds in what GINspires Heidi and is the focus of King Island Distillery Native GIN recipe.

   Meticulously made mindfully because of Heidi's ♡ for the island and distilling the heart and GINtastic spirit of King Island.

   Happy world GIN day ♡ hh♡

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To celebrate Tasmanian Whisky Week 2022, Heidi Weitjens is excited to be invited as one of the four key whisky presenters at 'Monday Neat' whisky tasting night.  

A night of sharing good company and pairing fabulous food with great Tasmanian whisky.  The line up:

King Island Distillery

Adams Distillery

Launceston Distillery

Sullivans Cove Distillery

Each Distillery will be presenting a selection of whisky expressions throughout the evening, accompanied with food pairings. Hosted at Cinco Passiones Libation Lounge.

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Paying our respects in person to Bill and Lyn Lark is going to be an amazing occasion. In recognition their tireless efforts, as pioneer's, mentors, friends and awesome ambassadors of our industry in Tasmania and the world. Heidi Weitjens will fly to Hobart to be with the Larks and fellow friends in the Liquor and distilling industry at this special celebration evening.

Without them I would never have started King Island Distillery, so I am truly grateful for all that Bill and Lyn have given me in support and as true friends since 2013.

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